Suffering from low back pain due to acute flare-ups, spasms, or fatigued muscles?
Relieve Discomfort: The Aspen Lumbar Support is here to help. Crafted with inelastic panels made of 100% polyester, this brace offers a low-cost, medical-grade treatment option. It features Aspen’s patented 4:1 tightening system, providing unparalleled support to ease your discomfort.
Easy to Wear: Comfort is key, especially when dealing with back pain. Our brace is designed for extended wear, ensuring comfort throughout your day. Plus, its discreet profile means you can easily wear it under your clothes without anyone knowing.

Aspen Lumbar Support
Size Variety for a Perfect Fit: Everyone's body is unique, which is why our brace comes in six different sizes. To ensure a perfect fit, remember that our sizes tend to run small, so consider sizing up if needed.